I want to star by thanking Anonymous who had discovered my designs in other places under a different author’s name. Thank you so much - whoever you are. I have been absolutely burning with anger all weekend. Not because of Anonymous “The Informer” (to her I am eternally grateful), but because of Anonymous “The Thief(s)”. Can you explain to me what they get from stealing other people’s designs, repack them (without my TOU of course) and upload as their own? They didn’t even bother to make their own preview…
The only positive things I have to say about people like that is that they are kind enough not to sell my designs and making money on my freebies (as far as know!) and they have really good taste in design…
So if you by any chance are one of the culprits back here for more - STOP IT! Try making your own designs. When you find out how much time (and money) it takes you might think twice before stealing from others.
The only positive things I have to say about people like that is that they are kind enough not to sell my designs and making money on my freebies (as far as know!) and they have really good taste in design…
So if you by any chance are one of the culprits back here for more - STOP IT! Try making your own designs. When you find out how much time (and money) it takes you might think twice before stealing from others.
If you are a fellow designer of freebies you might want to check out these sites for your designs:
If you on your way around cyber space see any of my designs posted by others than me, please let me know by posting a comment or sending me an email.
Finally, a BIG thank you to Beth from the UK for saving my weekend with her really kind "thank you mail" - I love that kind of mails. It's nice to know that appreciation wins over abuse.
But enough about that - I can feel the anger coming back… I better read Beth's mail again before I go on...
Ahh, that's better.
Today I give you more love - another Valentine Alpha in gradient glitter from pink to silver. You get a full alpha (including Danish Æ, Ø & Å) with numbers and symbols.
Click image for direct download.

Have fun and see you in February.