Today I have A LOT to share with you, so grab a cup of coffee and hang in there - the reward is at the end…
First of all - I have received my first award! I am both honoured and a little humble but most of all I’m proud. Most of all because it was given to me by a person I respect very much, Jacquii John, store owner of Scrap It Sassy and blog owner of Thank you SO MUCH Jacquii!
I will of course pay it forward and give it to some of the blogs I love. This is not easy at all as I have a very long list of loved blogs, but I asked myself “If closed down tomorrow, which blogs would you miss the most?”, and the first 4 blogs that popped up in my mind will hereby receive this award from me.
You should all know that I wouldn’t be what I am without you guys!
Now on to “The Royal Corner”.
To Jayleigh3 and all other interested I will give you a little extra information about the Danish Royal Family and the Christening (Thank you Jayleigh3 for giving me the word. I knew baptism wasn’t quite right but couldn’t for the life of me remember “Christening”).
The cute princess on tip-toes is named Isabella (Henrietta Ingrid Margrethe) and her big brother is Prince Christian (Valdemar Henri John).
The somewhat peculiar names for the twins - Minik and Ivola - are Greenlandic.
Well, if you have been hanging on so far you deserve the freebie and here it is.
Click on image for direct download.
Have a great day and please come back soon.