Welcome to the blog where everything is free...

These pages will be filled with scrapping freebies as often as I can find the time to make them.
So come back from time to time to check what's new.

Friday, May 3, 2013


Here we go again... A weekend of downloading, unpacking and spending WAY too much money. Yes, it's International Scrap-booking Day again! I have already spend a LOT of time chasing freebies and blog trains and can only say - it's a good year!

I too want to join in the celebration so for this weekend only I give you a great deal in my store:

Image linked to store

The sale starts NOW and will continue until sometime when even the western parts of USA ends their Sunday. I have not put any sale prices up in the store so all you have to do it choose your products, download and then donate half of the costs. I hope that is not too much brain activity for a weekend ;0)

I have only one "rule" about this sale: Please don't buy for less than $1 as a donation of 50 cents will be eaten up by the PayPal fee.
As suggested by some of you, I have now removed the download links in the store from the images and instead put in a "DOWNLOAD" text below it. That should prevent "mistaken downloads" when all you want is to look at the preview image.

As an extra treat I have added 2 new products to the store - click images to get there:

"Retro Summer Kit" (PU) - $3 / $1.5 on sale

"SIS Collab 8/11" (PU) - $1 / 50 cents on sale

Please visit the store and get whatever you have on your mental wish list while it's half price.

As promised earlier this year, I will never advertise for "Everything But Freebies" here on this blog without bringing you a freebie, so here it is: 

Download links below image.

I hope you will all enjoy iNSD weekend and my new alpha.



Stacey said...

thank you for the awesome alpha! am hoping I can get to shop before the sale is over - I'm been online all day and still going thru newsletters and have over 6 or 7 blog trains to get too - never enough hours in the day!

Administrator said...

I highlighted your freebie on my Thursday's Guest Freebies today. I also shared it with 1,710 followers of my free Digital Scrapbook Pinterest board. Thank you. http://scrapbookalphabet.blogspot.com/2013/05/thursdays-guest-freebies-nothing-but.html