Welcome to the blog where everything is free...

These pages will be filled with scrapping freebies as often as I can find the time to make them.
So come back from time to time to check what's new.

Friday, July 30, 2010

I Heart You!

Welcome Weekend - and welcome cold rain…

The month long heath wave has left the country and has been replaced by cold rain. But somehow it is welcome (as long as it doesn’t stay too long).

This weeks A Little Bit is a collection of heart frames for all your layouts of the ones you love. 2 circles, 2 ovals, 2 rectangular and, of course, 1 heart shaped.

Click on image to download.

Have fun - and have a glorious weekend!

See you on Monday?

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Oh no! I forgot…

This is what happens when things get busy: I totally forgot that Monday’s post was my 100th post!

It would have been something worth celebrating, but now I feel it’s a little out of place. I therefore have decided to be weird and announcing my 113th Post Celebration! I’m not sure exactly when that will be but an educated guess will be in about 3-4 weeks. Count down yourself from Monday’s 100th post…

Today’s freebies are envelopes - 3 of them to be exact + a bonus QP. The envelopes are made with grungy papers and come with inserted cards for you to write your message on. You get each envelope as both a png file and a layered psd file where you can open and close the envelope by adding/removing layer visibility. I also made a bonus QP with one of the envelopes that I include as a gift… hmm, can you actually call it a gift when it comes with a freebie? Well, it’s yours no matter what it’s called.

The envelopes are made with the wonderful Envelope Maker Actions from Mega-Doodle Inspired - you can buy it here:

As the files are quite big I have uploaded them as both separate zips for each envelope (app. 10 MB each) and as one file with everything in it (app. 45 MB) - let your bandwidth decide how you download.

Download all-in-one HERE.

Download Envelope 1 HERE.
Download Envelope 2 HERE.
Download Envelope 3 HERE.
Download QP HERE.

Please come back on Friday for "a little bit".

Monday, July 26, 2010

Glitter, glitter and more glitter…

I went online power shopping this weekend and spent a few hours yesterday playing with my new toys. And as usual I want to share some of the results with you. Today you get a bunch of glitter- and gemstone-confetti frames - hope you like!

Click on image to download - and please excuse me for the size of the zip… If you have difficulties downloading the 44 MB let me know, and I will try to help you with split zip files.

I’m back with more play results on Wednesday. See you then?

Friday, July 23, 2010

A Little Bit Friday 11

I’m beginning to wonder how a week can go by so fast…?

Nevertheless, it’s Friday again and time for “A Little Bit”. This week I have made you a summer alpha called The Grass is always Greener. Since it is “A Little Bit” you (only) get the upper cases A-Z but then again, aren’t those the important ones? By accident I darkened one of the letters yesterday and found out that instead for looking like grass it became more like spruce. So when Christmas arrives, take it out again and work a little with the brightness and you have a nice alpha for your Christmas layouts.

Click on image to download.

Have an absolutely fabulous weekend! I’ll be back on Monday - see you then?

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Old Books

I love books! Especially old books because they are not only filled with wisdom but also made to look beautiful on the outside. Back in the good old days a book was covered with the most exclusive handmade papers, leather and fabrics and now they may look old, worn and torn but that only makes them even more beautiful. A few weeks ago I found a gold mine of scanned old book covers on the web site of the Danish Royal Library and today you get a little piece of them made into papers and overlays.

Click image to download.

I hope you will enjoy them and that you come back for “A Little Bit” on Friday.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Stitch is King!

Happy Monday everyone… and sorry I’m late, but the real world needed my attention so I had to drag myself away from the computer for a few hours. But here I am and so is today’s freebie.

The reaction to Friday’s "a little bit" surprised me. It seemed I could have saved the time making the border and just given you the stitches…? A few of you asked for a tutorial and there is nothing I would rather do than share my knowledge but… Let me tell you a little story first: A few years ago I had some friends over for coffee and I had baked the most delicious chocolate chip cookies. They all asked for the recipe but I told them it was a family secret handed down from generation to generation. I couldn’t get myself to tell the truth that it was “Betty Crocker in a box”-cookies! I felt bad and promised never to lie about things like that ever again.

“Why did I have to hear this story?” you might think. Well here is why: I took the short cut when making the stitches as well. So if you want a tutorial, here it is.

Get yourself a stitch brush - there are plenty to buy and for free (check the credits for today’s freebie).
Use it to make the shape and size you need for your LO.
And finally use some sort of style and maybe some shadows to make it look more realistic.

I’m sorry - that is all you get from me.

If you still need a tutorial I made a little research on the net and if you Google the words “Tutorial+stitches+PSE” (change PSE to your own software) you will get loads of results both written and video.

To make up for my laziness in the stitch department I have made you a big bunch of my own favourite stitches for today’s freebie. You get 20 separate stitches and a png with 20 more for you to separate and style. I hope that buys your forgiveness…? Also, if you have specific questions about making your own stitches or anything else, please feel free to ask me either by comment or email, and I will do my best to help and guide you.

Click on image to download.

I will be back on Wednesday with more goodies. Hope to see you then.

Friday, July 16, 2010

A Little Bit Friday 10

Another Friday - another Little Bit…

This week I’ve made you a broderie anglaise border and 3 different stitches to fasten it with.

I’m back on Monday. Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Coffee or Tea?

Now you’ve had your ice cream - lots of it - so how about something warm and energizing like a cup of coffee or tea? Yes, I know it’s hot in a large part of the world right now but it will change before you know it and if not, just remember that you can make it into ice tea or ice coffee…

Here is a small paper pack with 4 papers patterned with coffee, tea and biscuits. Hope you’ll enjoy it - now or later.

See you tomorrow for “A Little Bit”?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I Scream, You Scream…

… We ALL scream for ICE CREAM!!!

And what you need, I deliver. So here is a box of popsicles and cones for your hot summer days made with freebie templates from Delicious Scraps - Enjoy!

See you on Thursday.

Monday, July 12, 2010

More Pencil Sketchs

Let me just say: Viva España! And then not another word…

I noticed that you liked my pencil sketch frames posted on Friday so over the weekend I made you an alpha in the same style. Upper cases, numbers and symbols are ready for download below, and I also made you a little something extra (shapes and wordart) - just for the fun of it. To limit file size I have separated them into two zips.

But before we get there I would like to make a kind of promotion for the action I used for the products. It’s not something I would normally do, but this one deserves it.

The action is from Atomic Cupcake and is called Pencil Sketch Edge. The alpha I made is made one letter at the time witch gives one effect, but if you use it for full words it’s another effect. Examples:

One by one

Full word
Then, of course, it can be used for other things than letters and words and that is what you can see examples of in the “Something Extra” zip.

A truly versatile action that can be purchased for both PS and PSE. And if you hurry Atomic Cupcake is having a birthday sale through Friday of this week with 30% off all their products so this action will set you back only a little under $5.

But now for the free downloads…

Have a nice Monday. I hope to find something for you for tomorrow. See you then?

Friday, July 9, 2010

A Little Bit Friday 09

I have packed myself in wet towels to stay cool long enough for serving you with this week’s A Little Bit… No, just kidding. It IS still hot here in Copenhagen, but I get through by treating myself to plenty of fluids and LOTS of ice cream - don’t you just love summer?

The Little Bit for today is kept in the light and airy category so it won’t send out any extra heat. It’s a pencil sketch photo frame made with an action from Atomic Cupcake. I put together a very quick and simple LO so you can see it in use.

When downloading you get both a layered psd with photo mask and a frame only png.

Enjoy your weekend everybody - but if there is anyone from Spain or The Netherlands reading this let me wish you Good Luck on Sunday!! I will be in front of the TV supporting both countries. That’s the good thing about having your own country kicked out so soon, you are no longer bias … or are you…? Well, I’m not revealing anything here as I would like to keep any friends I’ve got :o)

See you on Monday - winners and losers alike!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

New Kit on the Blog!

I’ve got a new kit out … Raspberry & Cream Kit.

It’s a lovely kit in the colours of raspberries and cream with a little green from the leaves thrown in. Great for summer layouts but take it out again come Christmas and you will find it matches perfect for that as well. A true multi season kit.
It’s a huge kit with tons of papers, elements and alphas and all for just $4! It actually comes down to only 4 cents per item - and if you are only after papers, you can just discard the other things and still have paid only a dime per paper. So hurry over to Scrap it Sassy to grab it. Here is the preview - click on it to go directly to the kit:

But of course I haven’t forgotten that this is a freebie blog, so I have made you a sampler from the Raspberry & Cream Kit - and this time it’s downloaded directly from 4shared so no shop registration necessary.

I hope you’ll enjoy it and realise that you have to get the full kit. And then I hope you’ll return here on Friday for “a little bit” (yes, tomorrow is another Heat Day). Until then - stay happy and cool!

Monday, July 5, 2010

How Charming…?!?!

Monday is definitely NOT my day. I had a great kit planned for today with charms and matching chains of all sorts but… Nothing worked - nothing went my way. After 2½ hours I gave up. So today you get a somewhat pathetic excuse for a freebie with non-matching items and only a fraction of the content planned. Please forgive me for this. I hope you can find some use for it somehow and I promise to make you the planned charm kit at some point - just not on a Monday.

Maybe it has something to do with that suffocating heat we have here at the moment. It is very hard to use a brain that is boiling…

To make up for some of it, I have included 3 of my own charms: 1 flower, 1 winter landscape and 1 with an old family picture (showing my great-great-grandparents and my great-grandfather).

I am taking a Heat Day tomorrow but will be back on Wednesday. See you then?

Sunday, July 4, 2010


I wish all my American friends a very happy 4th. I hope you have all had a wonderful weekend - and enjoy the fireworks tonight.

I found a few things in my faithful archives to mark the occasion. First up is a “re-run” of the “Stars and Stripes Alpha” from my NY theme in March.

And then, two frames and a flair matching the alpha.

Enjoy your country’s birthday and don’t forget to take lots of pictures for the scrapbook.

See you tomorrow?

Friday, July 2, 2010

”The fuel I run on” + A Little Bit Friday

I want to start this glorious summer Friday with something important. Please take the time to read it.

Over the last weeks I have received a few emails from grateful user of my freebies. Although I am very happy for each comment left on my blog or on 4share, these personal emails touched me a little bit more. The senders had not only taken the time to write me but on top of that I got a view into their lives and how/why they used my products. One in particular meant a lot to me. It was from Tiger (Tiger Creations) who wrote me because she couldn’t leave a comment on the blog. Of course I replied to thank her and here is what she wrote me back:

“Good Morning/afternoon Trine,

I wanted to say that if it were not for people like yourself people like me could not create. I am disabled and on SSDI...I do not leave the house so this is all I can do to help me forget pain and also do something constructive vs taking pain pills all the time. My pennies just do not stretch far enough each month and I rely on the generosity and time/efforts people like you share...I really, really appreciate all the people out there that do this for people like myself...I wanted to write that but not knowing who might read it I didn't ...but that is the truth....So you are doing more than just sharing...you are helping a very lonesome gal be able to relax and control some of my pain by getting into PSP and AS and making something and seeing the results...Just wanted you to know that too. Thank you so much for writing. I often wonder if people actually read the remarks and you have proved that they do. You have a wonderful day and weekend to come...

Biggest of hugs, Tiger”

THIS is the fuel that I run on… A mail like that fills me with energy, motivation and the need to continue doing what I do!

I am not writing this message to “show off”. I am writing it to remind you all that SHARING MATTERS. This is exactly the reason why I started this blog in the first place. If you have plenty - share it with others. And that does not only go for scrapping material, it goes for everything in you life!

And also - if you are a blog owner, remember to read all the comments left for you and reply to the ones that deserve it - It matters too!
And finally: Big thanks to all of you who have taken the time to write me personal emails!

Thank you for your patience, you have now deserved A Little Bit Friday!

I will be back no later than Monday - hope you will join me.