Welcome to the blog where everything is free...

These pages will be filled with scrapping freebies as often as I can find the time to make them.
So come back from time to time to check what's new.

Friday, December 31, 2010

My best wishes

Today’s post offers no freebie. But it does offer something just as important…

On this day - the last of 2010 - I want to thank you all for you kindness, encouragements, help, comments and downloads in my first year in this digiscrap blog world. I can’t believe it’s been a year already - and I can’t believe it’s only been a year… You all made my many hours spend by the computer worth while. I can say without hesitation that I now have good friends all over the world.

So big thanks to all of you and

I wish the best for you and hope to “see” much more of you in 2011.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Sparkling New Year

It’s getting late and I have tons to do before I can touch pillow so let’s get strait to the point…
As promised yesterday I have made you a little Happy New Year Freebie - or rather 3 of them. All alphas in glittery, sparkling New Year style.

Oh, by the way... I gave myself - and you - a little Christmas Present this year: I upgraded my 4share account to Premium so you now can enjoy direct download and use the time you used to wait for something more fun :o)

Click images to download.

Hope you’ll enjoy the alphas and have a great New Year’s Eve tomorrow. I will try to drop by tomorrow to wish you all a Happy New Year.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I’m sad…

No, actually I’m more disappointed than sad. My Christmas Card Competition got 3 replies…3… YES, THREE!!!!! In the period from competition start till today where the competition ended I had 3400 visitors to my blog which means that less than 1/1000 took the 20 minutes or so to make and send a card. Hmmm…. And you call yourself scrappers?

Well, I may be disappointed but I know 3 people who are not: The three card senders. Cause they will split the prize bundle of more than 60 products. So I guess the only thing I (and they) can say now is: “Nah, nah, nah, nah nah…” and to make all the 3397 other people feel even worse I will show you what you missed out on. Some of this could have been yours:

..and that’s only half of it.

But now for the positives: The presentation of the three participants and winners. They are all winners just for participating and will split the prize equally = app. 20 double-stash products + 1 product of their own choice from my store.

Thank you SO MUCH to

Sim from France
Carey from California
and my “old” friend Marlyn from the Philippines.

I loved your cards and I particularly liked that they were so different from each other. But then again you cover practically the whole world - America, Europe and Asia so… You have the sunny yet traditional Christmas from California, the warm and cosy feel from Asia and the naughty and nice at the same time Chick from France. That’s World-Wide Christmas for you. I’m actually a little glad I didn’t have to pick a single winner ;o)

As I only have to present 3 cards I thought I would make a show of them.

The cards can also be viewed in full size in Your Gallery.

I hope you will enjoy scrapping with all your new material. You are all winners in my book!

HOWEVER, I do not saviour hard feelings, so all is forgiven and you don’t have to worry about consequences in form of “no more freebies for you”. I will be back tomorrow with a New Year’s Freebie and I’m already preparing for a brand new year. See you tomorrow?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

This Christmas

Today I’m bringing you a QuickPage for your Christmas Memories. I have also included the cluster so you can choose your own background.

Click image to download.

As the next couple of days are dedicated to all the preparations for Christmas this may be the last post before Christmas. I can not promise you any postings for the next 4 days, but I CAN promise you that if any free time shows itself I will use it on you…

And please… remember my Christmas Card Competition! You have until 29th December to enter!

If we don’t meet before Christmas: I wish all of you and yours

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Competition + Gift Tags

Oh my, I have a lot to share with you today.
I don’t know if you have noticed but it’s coming on Christmas… :o) And with Christmas a lot of things follow. Snow (for some), 4-6 extra pounds mostly on the hips, sweaty gift shopping, cleaning and Christmas card writing. But most importantly (I hope) a giving and loving spirit and a permanent smile on your face.

Well, snow we have more than plenty of with more to come the next days, so White Christmas for me (Yeahh!).

The extra pounds … I don’t care about them (until January). The good food that causes them is plenty worth digging out the trousers with elastic waist band.

As for the stressful and sweaty gift shopping… Believe it or not, but we dropped the Christmas gifts a few years ago (except for the children’s) and trust me - it was the best thing we ever did for Christmas…

I have to admit it - I’m (physically) lazy! So Christmas Cleaning is something I hate. This year I figured out how to clean without moving - and doing it while drinking coffee and eating Christmas cookies! I decided to clean up my computer… And that turned out to be in your favour.

As I am also a shopaholic when it comes to scrap design (my, it’s confession day today!) I sometimes get so excited about a design that I actually fall in love with it twice… I buy it, and then some weeks later it’s on sale and I have forgotten all about already having it in my HUGHE stash, so I buy it again!!! I know, I know - I need help. BUT - in the spirit of the season I want to give it all away… to you!

But before you get too excited: Quid pro quo. Cause this leads me to the last thing on the above list - Christmas Card Writing. It seems that the art of sending Christmas cards is a slowly dying art here in Denmark. I have received only 5 cards (+ 1 text message!) this year and I want more.

So for you to dip into my stash you have to enter my

Christmas Competition!

Make a (digital) Christmas Card and email it to me -
pms54@get2net.dk - and on the 29th December I will have my impartial jury select 3 winners who each get a pack of original designs from my “Doubles Archive” + a Danish Design Original of your own choice. I will post all the cards in the blog gallery.
There are no rules - just design whatever you fancy.
When emailing me I need you to state your name and email address so I can get hold of you if you win. Also I need to know if you use Photoshop or not as some of the prizes are PS tools.

I hope these ramblings made sense. If not, feel free to contact me.

And now (finally) for today’s freebie!
I bought these gift tags last week and I thought they were too cute not to share with you.

Click image to download.

I’ll be waiting by my inbox for your Christmas cards and be back tomorrow with another Christmas freebie for you. See you then?

Monday, December 20, 2010

Try Before You Buy 2

My last new product sampler is from the paper pack “Old Christmas Papers” now available in my store at Scrap it Sassy. The original product consists of 5 papers and one of them is yours for free here today.

Click image to download.

Should you want the other 4 as well (they are only $1.99) just click on the image below and you will be taken directly to it.

And while we are at it…

I also have 2 new $-deals for December. They are both alphas and VERY Christmassy. Images below are linked to my store.

December $-deal 1 - Christmas Deco Alpha (PU) - $1.00

December $deal 2 - Tannenbaum Alpha (PU) - $1.00

I will be back tomorrow with a Christmas Competition that can get you HUGH prizes. Stop by - you don’t want to miss it!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Merry Christmas Sampler

Sorry I’m so late… but as you may have notices 4shared has been up and down - mostly down - for the last 24 hours. But now I have finally found an opening and gotten today’s freebie uploaded. The on/off at 4shared also means that if you try to download this freebie, or anything else for that matter, and can not get to it, just try again a little later.

Today I bring you another sampler of one of my new products at Scrap it Sassy - Merry Christmas Alpha - a red embroidered alpha with monogram initials for upper cases and a slooped font for lower cases and numbers.

As it would be pretty meaningless to give you a sampler with a few of the letters from the alpha, I have created some WordArts for you instead. 8 Christmas greetings in 10 different languages to wish (almost) the whole world a Merry Christmas. You get Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, German, Dutch, English, French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. I apologize to all the other languages but I had to stop somewhere. There is always the possibility that you purchase the original product and make greetings in your own language. The original product also includes 3 Christmas Greeting WordArts (Danish, English and French) but not the same as the freebie.

Click image to download.

If you like it enough to want your own Merry Christmas Alpha just click on the image below - it will take you directly to my store at SIS.
To trigger your motivation I have taken 40% off the price for the next 24 hours (All Monday 20/12) SO HURRY!!!!

See you tomorrow?

Friday, December 17, 2010

Brighten up your Christmas

You can start by using today’s A Little Bit Friday Freebie: 8 coloured Christmas lights ready to brighten up any of your Christmas layouts. You get 7 coloured and one neutral with glow. CU/S4H/S4O and of course PU are all OK.

Click image to download.

I will try to be back tomorrow but if I don’t succeed you can definitely find the next Christmas freebie on Sunday. See you then?

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Try before you buy 1

I have just launched some new products in my store at Scrap it Sassy and as usual you get the samplers for each product so that you can ”try before you buy”. The first sampler is from my Felt Hearts collection consisting of 3 packs of Felt Hearts - one red, one green and one blue. They can be purchased individually but if you want all 3 you should buy the bundle and save 33% = buy 3 get one free.

Here is the sampler containing a heart from each pack. Just click on the preview to download.

If you are satisfied and want to buy some more, clicking on the previews below will bring you directly to the product in my SIS store.

BUNDLE - $3.99

BLUE - $ 1.99

GREEN - $ 1.99

RED - $ 1.99

The other samplers will follow during the weekend and tomorrow will bring you A Little Bit Friday. See you then?

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Vintage Christmas

Today’s Christmas freebie is a collection of 8 different Christmas papers all in a grunge vintage style.

Click image to download.

See you again tomorrow?

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tag it!

Hi again.

Today’s Christmas Freebie is 4 tags made with the beautiful "Norma Jean" templates from
Pixels & Ice Cream (isn’t that just a great name?). I have added my own Christmas feel to them and hope you too can find use for them in your Christmas layouts. But nothing is preventing you from using them the rest of the year as well…

Click image to download.

I hope to be back again tomorrow with another Chrismas Freebie so drop by.

Monday, December 13, 2010

CU Silver & Gold

Finally, I’m done! Here are the last two alphas in the Pearl String series. You get a silver and a gold alpha, both full alphas with numbers and symbols.

Click image to download.

I will try to be back almost every day until Christmas as I have a lot of Christmas stuff to give away. So stay tuned…

Sunday, December 12, 2010

I’m so sorry…

… but time moved in another pace than me today and I did not get the last two alphas ready for upload. So instead I will pretend that tomorrow is Sunday as well and in that way I will not be late with your freebies. And who would say no to a week with two Sundays?

See you again tomorrow - I promise!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Ribbons and knots and bows, oh my!

Friday again already? Well, time flies and soon it’s Christmas. Besides being a very merry holiday Christmas is also an opportunity to take a lot of pictures that needs to be scrapped. And for that we need new, pretty material…

Today’s A Little Bit Friday is one of my contributions to your Christmas layouts: 4 sets of Christmassy ribbons, knots and bows. The ribbons are all scanned by me and made into knots and bows with the great actions from Atomic Cupcake. Enjoy!

Click on image to download.

Have a great weekend and stop by on Sunday for the Gold and Silver Pearl String Alphas I promised you.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

CU Sunday - on a Thursday

As promised, I hereby bring you the green version of Sunday’s Pearl String Alpha. Again it’s a full alpha including numbers and symbols and Commercial Use is OK.

Click on image to download.

I didn’t have time to finish the Gold and the Silver versions so you’ll have to wait until Sunday to get them.

I did, however, have the time to make A Little Bit Friday so please come back tomorrow for more Christmas Spirit.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

CU Sunday II

Oh, what a glorious Sunday! It’s December, it’s snowing heavily and the day is reserved for Christmas activities only. Christmas activities, of course, include a freebie for you…

This Sunday’s CU freebie is the first of 4 Christmas Pearl String Alphas. You get the full alpha - upper and lower cases A-Å, numbers and symbols and this version is the red one. During next week you’ll get 2, 3 and 4 in silver, green and gold. I hope you can find a Christmassy use for them all - they look great if you mix the colours.

Click on image to download.

And this is what is coming up next week.

Have a wonderful Sunday and we’ll meet here again very soon for alpha 2.

Friday, December 3, 2010

A Little Bit Friday 24

A few hours sleep and a lot of coffee and here I am again!

This week’s A Little Bit Friday gives you a small collection of patchwork felt Christmas decorations for you to add to any of your Christmas layouts. They were all made with HG Designs’ Attic Fabrics styles and Atomic Cupcake’s Puffy Felt action.
Click on image to download.

Have fun and enjoy your weekend. I’ll be back again no later than Monday.

Thank You!

Happy December - and a Merry Christmas…

I just wanted to say Thank You for all the Birthday Greetings I received on Sunday and Monday. It’s GREAT to have so many friends out there…

I had the most perfect birthday - surrounded by family and friends for a feast of cake and good cooking. Outside the snow was falling and inside hundreds of fairy lights and candles were shining. Oh yeah, I got some really great presents too…

As I mentioned about a week ago winter has arrived here in Denmark and it has been snowing on and off for about 2 weeks now. It’s COLD but so, so pretty. I have put in a few of my birthday pictures for you to see what I’m talking about.

Copenhagen is one big ice sickle and it has actually become quite dangerous to walk on the sidewalks as they have a tendency to fall down as soon as the sun appears.

The local kindergarten was out for a walk and they borrowed a tree from the Christmas Tree vendor on the square to dance and sing around - isn’t that just Christmas Spirit?

And just as the day ended and I thought it couldn’t get any more beautiful this was the view from my window.

As I said - a perfect day!

But I didn’t get you here just to hear about my birthday and the weather so here is a little freebie I made today using one of Cari Lopez’ beautiful leather books. Just for your information - the holly that will pretty up my preview for the rest of December is made by Pasko Creations.

If that is not enough I’ll be back tomorrow (or later today as it is now over midnight here) with A Little Bit Friday. See you then?