Welcome to the blog where everything is free...

These pages will be filled with scrapping freebies as often as I can find the time to make them.
So come back from time to time to check what's new.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Goodbye & Hello

It is now official

Nothing but Freebies have moved  to it's new .com address and you will now find both old and new material at


Image is linked to new site!

So "Goodbye Blogger" - "Hello WordPress and .com". I hope you will be as faithful a guest to the new site as you were here.

This blog will remain open for a few month before final close down.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

I'm still here...

I just wanted to let you know that I'm still here.

My classes have been GREAT and I have learned so much about Online Marketing. One of the most important things I have learned is that Blogger is out and WordPress is in... 

And that is why I am in the process of moving this site to WordPress as we speak. The plan is that the new site will open on October 1st - ready for the BIG holiday = Halloween!

It is actually up an running now but no way near finished. If you are curious you are welcome to drop by. The freebie below is also posted there as a test. The address is:

I wouldn't dream of posting without a freebie so here it is. A pack of cardboard pieces in both original pngs and as abr brushes. Have fun.

Download links below image.

My classes will soon be over and then I will focus on getting the new site ready, so I can't promise you a lot of action here. But stay patient and I will get back to you with brand new freebies as soon as possible.


Sunday, August 18, 2013

A Special Kit

I don't think anyone can be in any doubt that we are in the season of "Back To School". The Scrap World is overfloading with school equipment in bright colours, kid's alphas and funny word art. But surfing around all that, I realized something significant... What if you go back to school as an adult?

The reason for such an interest is simple: Tomorrow I'M GOING BACK TO SCHOOL!

Yes, that's right. OK, it's not "real" school - just a 6 week course, but I found out that if I was ever to have any chance of getting a job in my line of work, I had to catch up with the latest trends and techniques. So I signed up for a course in "Online Marketing". And I think many adults do the same, so since there is no "adult school kits" out there, I decided to make one myself.

Use it, if you are among those who find leaning a life long process, or maybe find inspiration in it to go back to school yourself. It's NEVER too late to LEARN!!!

Age = Experience = Knowledge

As it is a rather large kit, I have split it up in 3 parts, but if you have the connection for it you can also take the full kit in one go. And to spare my limited space on the different storage sites, I have also chosen to upload ONLY to Mediafire - hope it wont cause you problems. You find the download links below the image.


I hope you can find use for it - student or not.

For your information: This studying thing will probably make it a little difficult for me to make freebies for you  for the next 6 weeks, so don't worry if you don't hear from me. I will, however, do everything I can to find time.

So until next time - LIVE, LOVE, LEARN!


Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tulips for you

I am now in a much better mood.

I have processed all the negativity and is out on the other side - happy as always. I want to thank you for all you supportive and inspiring comments. They really helped, and I will be back with products for sale soon. I don't know when or how, but I do know that this time it will be "pay up front" :0)

What could be better to celebrate regained happiness, than offering you a free bouquet of fresh tulips?

Today's freebie is a set of patterns, papers and an overlay with lovely tulips. You'll get:
  • 4 patterns (PAT) - 3 coloured/1 transparent
  • 3 papers (JPG)
  • 1 transparent overlay (PNG)

And... as a little bonus I have included a brush in 2 sizes (ABR).

Everything is as usual full size, 300 dpi, and can be used for PU, S4O/S4H and CU.

Download links below image.

Stay happy - even when it's hard!


Thursday, August 8, 2013

Sad News

I'm not sure I have the right words to express what I need to express....

Right now I'm feeling a mix of sadness, disappointment and a good deal of anger.

After posting my new products on Everything But Freebies I took an inventory and found out that there were made downloads for $56 and the amount paid for it was...... 0$! And that was only for the new products. All in all products worth 174$ has been downloaded and my total income has been 23$ - That's bad business!

I am not willing to be a fool for my trust in other people so as of 10 minutes ago Everything But Freebies does no longer exist. I have closed the store for good.

To release just some of the anger I feel, I have to ask: "What were you thinking? Did you care at all that what you did was stealing? Did you for one second consider that what you took was something I have spend a lot of time and money making? - I hope that you at least feel a sliver of remorse right now, and if you do you can still use the Donate button here on NbF".

Well, it didn't help much, but maybe time will heal. At the moment I do NOT want to place my trust in other people's honesty, and that's just SAD!

I apologize to - and thank - those of you who have actually used the store as it was meant to.

When the disappointment lifts I might make a new store, but then it will be a regular store where you pay before you get the product.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Mea Culpa

Among yesterday's new EBF product 4 of them has now been removed from the store and refunds have been given to buyers. Why? Well, I had made the mistake of putting something up for sale without the necessary quality check. I do sincerely apologize.

The products in question are "Vintage DIY Borders", "Vintage DIY Page Borders", "Vintage RTU Borders and "Vintage RTU Page Borders", and the problem is jagged edges.

I do not want to charge for bad products, especially products meant for designers, but I do, however, think that they might be OK to use in a personal layout or something similar. I do, after all, not want them to go to waist, so today I am offering all 4 products as freebies. You are warned about their flaws and can take necessary precautions when using them. I hope they can be of some use for you.

Download links below images.

Again - I'm so sorry! But I hope this solution can make some sort of amends.

See you soon.


Sunday, August 4, 2013

Loads of new EBF products - and a freebie

As mentioned yesterday, I have been busy uploading new products to my Trust Store - Everything But Freebies. And today I finally finished.

Here is a view of the new products in the store. Some are old SIS products and some are brand new. Go browse - I'm sure there is something you'll like....

...and I'm sorry, but I have to say it: "Please remember to pay for your products!"

But since this blog is named Nothing but Freebies, you will of course get free samplers of some of the new products.

Today's free sampler is from "Flourishing Patters". You get the 4 example papers included in the pack. I hope they can inspire you to want to make your own from the original product.

Download links below image.

I'll be back very soon with more samplers/add-ons from the new products, so stay tuned.


Saturday, August 3, 2013

Just a warm-up

My Gosh, It's HOT around here at the moment! 

Days around 30 C and "tropical nights" (=above 20 C). I know a lot of people enjoy it, but frankly.... I've had enough!!! It's as if my brain is melting.

But I still manage to make new material - I aim to please, even if it means suffering for you :0)
Today's freebie is a warm-up to get you ready for the coming days when I will bring you LOADS of news on both NbF and EBF. So use this to warm up your download finger...

You get a pack of summer fruits to brighten up your work - 7 vintage fruits each as flair, cut-out and sticker.

Download links below image.

Lately I have received some requests in my comments and if you have something your would like me to make, please don't hold back - I LOVE getting challenged!

As an info to "Anonymous" 3 - I'm working on your Marquee Lights and will get them up here soon.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend - see you very soon.


Sunday, July 28, 2013

A request

Another "Anonymous" - or perhaps the same as yesterday? - made a request in a comment regarding silver bars for hanging banners. I have tried.... But I'm not so sure I succeeded.

I will, however, post the result and hope you can use it for something.

It ended up being a little more than just a silver bar. In the pack you'll get separate bars and end decorations in 6 different metal styles to combine to your need. The bars are app. 10 inches long but with end decos they will be almost full size (12 inches) - on the preview below they are shown in 100% . You should be able to make them smaller if you wish without ruining the look.

Download links below image.

The request was actually for bars with rounds in each end, but I'm sorry to say that I didn't have the styles/actions to make a them look like balls. I have included the results as extras and hope your eyes/brain can perceive them as round...

Happy Summer Sunday!


Saturday, July 27, 2013

Inspired by "Anonymous"

Back in May I posted "Old Painted Metal Alpha", and last week I got a comment from "Anonymous" with a recommendation for a similar font. That inspired me to make today's freebie - "Vintage Craft Alpha" - with that font. So "Thank You" whoever you are....

You'll get a full alpha with upper and lower cases (A-Z), numbers (0-9) and a bunch of symbols. Besides the brown craft version I have also included the full alpha in grey scale making it possible for you to recolour to your liking.

Download links below image.

Hope you'll enjoy and come back again soon - I have tons of new material waiting to be yours.


Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Today we reach post number 400!

If that doesn't require some sort of celebration, I don't know what does....

I thought the best way to celebrate was to give you 4 freebies (sorry, I couldn't manage 400). The lazy part of me decided to only make 2 download links per freebie. I hope it doesn't cause you any problem, but if it does please contact me and I will upload it somewhere else.

Here we go:

First up is the Vintage Brads that I promised you.

Then Coloured Flowers as both overlays and transparent patterns.

Next is a Key Multi-Pack with a key design in 2 sizes as patterns, overlays, papers & bevels.

And finally a Highly Frameable Brush Pack with 30 frame brushes. Black PNGs are included.

Enjoy - and stay tuned for the next 400 posts.


Sunday, July 21, 2013

You've got the flair...

I'm staying in the elements department a few more days. Today it's all about flairs - or brads - or badges - or whatever you like to call them. You get 7 vintage flairs to pep up your lay outs and they are all CU.

Download links below image.

I will be back in a day or two with a pack of beautiful "Vintage Brads" so come back soon.


Monday, July 15, 2013

Knock - knock...

I found out that it has been a while since I made something in the elements department, so I dusted off an old production and added a little to it, and bring it to you as today's freebie.

It's a simple pack of 7 sets of keys/keyholes in metal styles from different eras i history. I hope you can find some creative use for it.

Download links below image.

Until we meet here again - have FUN!

Monday, July 8, 2013

I can't help it

I simply can NOT get enough of the vintage/ornamental overlays. I hope you like them too, cause it'll be a while before I stop making them...

Today you get a pack of 4 different overlays, BUT... I have made each in 4 different sizes AND I have included the PAT file as well. So download and go make some lovely papers (or other things).

Download links below image.

Stay happy and healthy - see you soon!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Floral Pack

I'm back again... This time with a Floral Pack with "everything" in it.

I started out making papers for you, but then i thought you might as well get all the material made for the process. The pack contains:
  • 4 coloured papers
  • 4 coloured papers, distressed
  • 4 overlays
  • 4 overlays, distressed
  • 4 bevels
I hope you can get creative with it all.

Download links below image.

Please let the summer into your heart and enjoy every single moment of it. I'll be back soon.


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Oh Dear - Oh Dear.....

..... I just realised that it - once again - has been WAY too long since my last post. Sorry!

To try and make up for it (in a small way), I hereby bring you my latest Alpha. Inspiration and creativity failed me when I got to naming the alpha, so I ended up calling it "No Name Alpha".

You get A-Å, a-å, 0-9 and a few symbols. 

Download links below image.

I hope you can find a use for the alpha. I'll try to get back to you soon!


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Summer Colours Add-On

I thought you might like to get some Washi Tape to go with the "Ranuncle PP", so I made you some for today's freebie. 24 in all - 12 made from the papers in the paper pack and 12 coloured with the colours from the used colour palette. 

The tape templates are home made and will soon be available in my store for only 1$.

Download links below image.

SugarSync link is correct now!

I hope you like them and can find use for them.


Monday, June 10, 2013

The Colours of Summer (and Royal News)

Today I want to bring you the Colours of Summer in the form of a Paper Pack. I just LOOVE these colours and they go perfect with the current weather here in Copenhagen. I hope you'll enjoy them too.

Download links below image.

And as you supplier of Royal News I can here bring you a few photos from this weekend's Royal Wedding in Sweden. Princess Madeleine finally got her Chris (Christopher O'Neill). And this time there is something in it for all you Americans as well - the groom is British-American and the newly-weds live and work in NYC. So now you've got your own Royalty...

(Dress by Valentino)

And by the way... It was a beautiful wedding!

Enjoy life and come back soon.