Thank you for all the layouts you sent me for the gallery! (I knew a Ninja would do the trick…;o)). I will be posting them as soon as possible and make sure you get your freebie-payment.
Today’s Save the Word theme is Writing. Of course I encourage you to use lots of text in your scrapping - you might think pictures are enough right now, but trust me, in 10 or 20 years you can no longer remember the details. But also, I recommend writing outside the digital scrapping world. I am not talking about the next Great American Novel or iconic articles. Something a little less ambitious is just as good. How about changing your next email or text message into an actual hand written letter? Yes, the old-fashioned kind with paper, envelope and a stamp. Your friends and family will treasure it, I promise. Some highly educated people in the psychology field say that writing (but not sending) letters to others or even yourself is a great form of therapy. But let’s not make it a bigger deal than it is - just keep in mind, that any kind of writing is a good thing. You decide the level of ambition…
And after this “lecture”, let us get on to what you are actually here for: The freebies!
Alpha of the Day is made from an old font sheet, and you get it in both white and black.

And the Writing Paper Pack gives you another 12 papers, this time related to the act of writing.

Tomorrow I plan to give you some Nick-Nacks related to reading and writing. See you then?