First of all: Thank you for not being scared of by the ”through shop” download of yesterday’s freebie. I knew I could count on your loyalty :o)
Jody asked if it was possible for me to post the tree as a separate file so she could make her own family tree. Yes, of course it is - anything for you Jody!
So here it is. For Jody and anyone else who can use it. I included the background as well just out of generosity.
And that generosity just got bigger when I found out that we are half way there… only 6 months till Christmas! So tonight we are having a halfwaythere-dinner with the full Christmas dinner with roast pork and rice pudding. And I have included a small Christmas present here for you. You don’t have to wait 6 months to open it. Merry Half Christmas everyone! (Click the bow to download)
NOTICE! - The bow is NOT the present, only a picture for download link... Your Christmas present contains 3 other small Christmas elements.
See you tomorrow for a little bit Friday?

Thank you for both sets of freebies. I like the tree and the surprise Christmas in June was a great treat.
Thanks so much for the tree & paper freebie. Really great!
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [24 Jun 02:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria
Hello and Thank you for this tree and paper...
Thank you so much for Christmas in June! I was just saying the other day I needed...well, I won't give it away...but what a that was a nice surprise for me!
Thank you so much for sharing the tree! With all the 2nd marriages etc these days our family trees can be so different than the usual.
Thanks so much for the tree & paper! Nice to have another option! Downloaded the QP yesterday & spent today adding photos to my tree. I'm going to a family reunion tomorrow & taking it with me. Thanks again!
Love the freebies. Good to be thinking about Christmas, too. Before we know it, it will be here! LOL
Love Joan xx
Thank you so much for this paper and for the tree.
Paulette (Belgium)
Hello again, Thank you for the Christmas in June items...
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