Welcome to the blog where everything is free...

These pages will be filled with scrapping freebies as often as I can find the time to make them.
So come back from time to time to check what's new.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A Reminder

Just to remind you that today is the last day of my sale @ Scrap It Sassy. So hurry over to my store to get what you need at half price...
Click on image to get there.

See you back here tomorrow?

Monday, August 30, 2010

First Autumn

In just two days we have to get used to writing September in our dates and that is not just another month change. It is also a change of mind and colours. Our subconscious tells us that it is no longer summer and we start to get cosy and the colours we use for both dressing and scrapping turn into darker warm, golden and brown. I am an autumn child and must admit: I LOVE autumn colours!

Today - while it is still August - I bring you my first autumn paper pack: 6 papers in brown and green made with MegaDoodle Inspired’s Paper Maker Action. Enjoy!

Click on image to download.

I am back here on Wednesday. Are you?

Friday, August 27, 2010

A Summer Gone

Only 3 weeks ago I was ”bitching” about this summer’s extreme heat and length. Now that the season has changed into a (much) more cold, grey and wet variety I must admit: I miss summer a little bit!

So today’s Little Bit is a photo frame that reeks SUMMER. If you have some summer photos you need to scrap this is the frame to put them in. Hope you like…

Click on image to download.

Let me end with an old “cliché”: You don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone”. Goodbye and thank you summer - Welcome beautiful autumn!

Have a great weekend and see you soon.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Old Style Notice Board

I noticed (ha!) that the Notice Board QP was a popular freebie, so I figured - why not ride the waves of success and make another one. This time I have made it “old style” as that is my preferred style. So today you get yourself another notice board QP, BUT… that’s not all. I have also included all the elements I used to make it so you can make your own (different) version of it.
Click image to download.

Have fun with this little kit!

See you again soon.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Free Samplers - Danish Design

As promised - although in the eleventh hour - here is the last free samplers for my new Danish Design products available at Scrap It Sassy. Please notice that both samplers are CU OK - TOU is included in the download.

Remember that ALL my designs @ SIS is on sale until the end of August - 50% off on everything!

Click on Ad to get to my sale.

First up is a QP made with the material from my Notice Board Mini-Kit. This QP is also added to the Mini-Kit so if you have $ 1,25 to spare go buy the whole kit on sale and get all the material used plus much more to make your own notice boards.

Click on image to download.

Then a sampler with material from my The World Kit. You get 4 papers (2 coloured and 2 map papers) plus a WordArt to demonstrate the Kit’s alpha. Again my August Sale makes it possible for you to buy the Kit for only $ 3 and the individual parts for only $ 1,50 each.

Click on image to download.

That’s it for today - hope you will enjoy it.

As you may have noticed it has been a VERY busy week for me and I need to take it slow next week. But with 17 freebies in the past week I assume you have plenty to work with for now. I’m not saying that I won’t be posting this week, only that it will be a lot less than the past week. Hope you can forgive me.

To quote a very popular song:

“We’ll meet again, don’t know where, don’t know when. But I know we’ll meet again some sunny day…” (Ha! Know you have that one in you head the rest of the day…)

Have fun ‘til then!

Friday, August 20, 2010

113th Post Celebration

I’m sooo late with this post. But it’s only because I had SOOO much to make for you to celebrate this, my 113th post (because I forgot the 100th). And what is better for celebrating a freebie blog than LOTS and LOTS of freebeies? Is 7 in one posting enough? Weel, it better be, cause that's what I've made for you...

So no more talk (writing). Let’s get down to business - freebie business…

Click on the images to download.

Find my first Back to School Alpha HERE and the Back to School Kit HERE.

Phew.. That’s all folks! Hope you found something you like.

I will try to drop by during the weekend with some more samplers for my new Danish Designs. See you then?

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A Little Bit Friday 15 - early

You may wonder why in the world I am posting ”A Little Bit Friday” on a Wednesday… Well, if you remember I forgot to celebrate my 100th post and decided to make it a 113th post celebration instead. And as today is the 112th post and I won’t be posting tomorrow - well, you do the math!

So here is A Little Bit Wednesday: 10 tabs in different paper styles. I hope you can use them.
Click on image to download.

And now I would like to take a commercial break:

My very good friend in the Philippines, Marlyn (Lawyerlyn), needed a little help promoting some of her give-away QPs on her blog, and I gladly stepped up. So here they are - you can click on the images to get to them.

They are lovely, don’t you think? You can see some of her LOs in Your Gallery.

See you on Friday for the big 113th celebration?

Monday, August 16, 2010

It’s sad, so sad…

…it’s a sad, sad situation! And I want to share my sadness with you - that’s what friends are for, right?

On Saturday night I was browsing around on my favourite sites to see what was new. And when I got to my absolute favourite site - Gunhild's - I got a very pleasant surprise. Loads and loads of new freebies - so I started downloading like a maniac. But when I got to the end the surprise shifted from pleasant to shocking… there was a notice of her retirement. I almost cried…

Gunhild’s site has been my haven for a long time now. The place where I could always go - not only for her great, great freebies, tutorials and tips but just as much for inspiration. If I got stuck in a project I could go to Gunhild and browse around and soon the ideas started coming. She has not created one single item that I didn’t love! On top of all that Gunhild is one of the very few fellow Danes in the scrapping world.

When all that is said, I must add that I TOTALLY understand (and respect) her decision. I know how time consuming this is and sometimes it’s a little like cheating on you family. So, Gunhild, I wish you all the best in the future and hope Svenning will be glad to have you back :o) And if you ever get the itch again know that you will be welcomed back with open arms…

I can not let a queen retire from her throne without some “noice” so I stayed up most of last night to make a tribute to Gunhild and all her wonderful work. Below you’ll find a load of stuff made from Gunhild’s material only (except from the bunny and penguin papers where I used a Delicious Scraps paper maker action). Please download as much as you like but also - go visit Gunhild’s treasure box of an archive before it’s too late. And don’t forget to write in her Guest Book!

Gunhild - if you didn’t catch the drift let me spell it out for you: THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING - YOU WILL BE GREATLY MISSED! - og alt det bedste til dig og dine…

First you get some QPs. They are split up in separate zips for easier download.

Download Anemone QP
Download At the beach QP
Download Candy Man QP
Download Flower cluster QP
Download With all my love QP

Then some papers - click on image to download.

And finally the elements - click on image to download.

I will be back on Wednesday - if I’m not too sad… See you then?

Sunday, August 15, 2010

New Danish Designs + Sale + Free Samplers

I have been very busy over the last couple of weeks. Not only have I kept you with freebies but I have finished a bunch of new designs for my store @ Scrap It Sassy. And when a job is well done it’s time to celebrate…

All images are linked for info or download.

First I want to introduce you to my new designs @ SIS:
It’s A Girl & It’s A Boy - PU
Everything you need to welcome a new addition - boy or girl - to the family or circle of friends: Papers, alpha, elements, frames, borders and WordArt. The designs can be purchased individually but if you buy them all together as a Kit you’ll save 50%!

The World - CU
Perfect for your travel scraps but can also be used for any non-travel related layout. The designs can be purchased individually but if you buy them all together as a Kit you’ll save 33%!

Notice Board Kit - CU

The kit that can take your notice board into the digital era. Besides a 12x12 notice board you get notes, cards, Post-Its and fasteners. And I have added a free bonus QP for a quick start.

But that is not all…
To celebrate the event (and because I never got around to having a Grand Opening Sale) I am having a Finally Done Sale with 50% off all my designs @ SIS - new and old ones - until the end of August.

I really recommend a visit - I’m practically giving my stuff away…!

And an important message: To make room for new freebies @ SIS I will retire my Family Tree Freebie. So if you haven’t got it yet today (Sunday) is your last chance to get it.

Hurry over to SIS now! (click on image)

“Well, that's all good, but this is a freebie blog. Where are the freebies…?”
They are here. I’ve made you samplers of all my new designs and today you get the ones for It’s A Girl and It’s A Boy. The others will follow during next week.

Have fun with it and please come back tomorrow - even though tomorrow will be bringing a much sadder message…

See you tomorrow?

Friday, August 13, 2010

A Little Bit Friday 14

Oh, oh, Friday the 13th! This could get ugly….

But on the other hand - if you put aside any superstition (and stay away from black cats and ladders) it is just a Friday like any other, and there has NEVER been anything wrong with Fridays. Au Contrair, mon amis! (...pardon my French)

So why don’t we just celebrate Friday and the upcoming weekend? I will do my part by giving you this week’s “Little Bit”: 5 flair buttons - one for each season (and yes, Christmas is a season... the one to be jolly, you know).


Click on image to download.

And speaking of celebrations… Please stop by over the weekend to see details about my BIG sale @ Scrap it Sassy.

Have a great weekend. See you soon?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Frayed Fabrics & Art

First I want to thank you all for the kind comments and the huge amount of downloads you granted my Back to School designs. And to think they were just a spur of the moment production… THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!

Today I have been playing around with my Atomic Cupcake Frayed Fabric Action and made you a pack consisting of 5 coloured fabrics and 5 art masterpieces to match. You can use them for a lot of thing and I think they will look even prettier if you add some of the stitches from my earlier freebies Stitches Galore or Stitch frames. I even think the coloured ones can stand to be enlarged and used as papers.

I have just noticed - some of the coloured fabrics might even match the Back to School Kit

As all the fabrics are in png it’s quite a large bundle so I have separated them into two downloads.

Download Part 1

Download Part 2

And if you like these here are some related products from the archives (click on image will take you to them):

I hope you’ll enjoy today’s freebie and come back for “A Little Bit” on Friday.

Monday, August 9, 2010

I had to make more!

Making yesterday’s Back to School Alpha made me a bit nostalgic. Even though it’s almost 25 years since I graduated (Gosh! 25 years…?!) I still go a little soft in the knees around this time every year. I LOVED going to school. I loved the fact that every day made me a little bit wiser and I specially liked the beginning of a new school year. The new books that needed wrapping, the new pads and notebooks, the new sharp pencils and erasers that smelled like strawberry (well, that last one stopped around 4th grade). So when I had finished the alpha yesterday I knew I had to make some more Back to School stuff for you. Here it is - A kit with all the things I loved about school. I hope you’ll love it as well.

Click on image to download.

I’m taking tomorrow off to make job applications but I’m back again on Wednesday.

See you then?

Sunday, August 8, 2010

For you and your kiddies…

As I have no kids I am not that much into the Back to School hype going on at the moment in the digi-scrapper world. But I thought I would join in by giving away this school inspired alpha. I hope you can use it for your Back to School layouts or - if you are kiddie-free like me - for something completely different.

Click on image to download.

The alpha is made with Notepaper01 Style by Bannerwoman Designs.

…og bare rolig Eline, Æ, Ø & Å er inkluderet denne gang!

See you tomorrow?